It was another successful launch for ISRO today as GSLV Mark III blasted successfully from the launch centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. The successful launch of this rocket confirms ISRO’s ability to launch super heavy communication satellites weighting 4500-5000kg. This success comes barely 3 months after ISRO became the first space organization to land its rocket on Mars in its very first attempt. This launch means that India can now send heavy communication satellites of INSAT-4 into outer space. This opens new avenues for ISRO in commercial launch of satellites as other countries will ask this premier organization to send their satellites into space because of its proven capabilities and cost effective launch vehicle. ISRO spent only Rs. 145 crores to build this rocket while another Rs. 15 crores were spent on the construction of the test crew module that became the passenger in this flight.
Scientists at ISRO have expressed their happiness and satisfaction
K Radhakrishnan, Chairperson of ISRO, was a a very happy and satisfied man today. He said, “It is an experimental mission of GSLV MkIII towards launching heavier satellites. This is a suborbital flight, carrying a crew module which will go up to a height of 120 km and then descend. ”Dr. Kiran Kumar, who is the director at Space Applications Centre, said,“There will be a crew module as a dummy payload and cryogenic engine for weight simulation. The experimental flight with the crew module in a spacecraft will test whether its heat shield can survive very high temperatures during its re-entry into the atmosphere.”
One step closer to achieving the emission of sending san Indian into space
Another major objective with this launch that has been achieved is the launch of a crew module that will decide the success of a future space project by ISRO to take human beings into space. ISRO has been working on its mission to send an Indian into space for quite some time now. It was in this connection that ISRO had sent a light crew module into space a few years back. This crew module orbited round the earth for 15 days before making its descent back to earth. If the recovery of the dummy crew module launched along with this rocket is successful, it will give a big boost to ISRO’s ambitions of putting an Indian into space in near future.
The 630 tonne launch vehicle called GSLV Mark III is the heaviest made by ISRO till date. This geo synchronous launch vehicle will bring ISRO one step closer to its long cherished dream of conquering outer space with an Indian inside its rocket. Only the US, Russia, and China have successfully sent human beings into space till date. ISRO has asked for Rs. 12500 crore from the government for the completion of this project.
Congratulating all the scientists in ISRO, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, “Successful launch of GSLV Mk-III is yet another triumph of brilliance & hard work of our scientists. Congrats to them for the efforts.”

About Sanjay Tandon
Sanjay Tandon is a graduate engineer from IIT Varanasi. He has been writing as a freelancer for many years. He loves to write on various niches. He is passionate about politics and economy and spends his free time watching news channels. He is also an expert on relationships.
Shri Rajiv Mehrishi has been nominated to the post of director on the central board of directors of the Reserve Bank of India. Mehrishi was working as Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs in the ministry of Finance till now. This order takes effect from 25 November 2014. It is the prerogative of the Central Government to nominate directors to the board of directors of this apex bank of India. Rajiv Mehrishi was earlier made Union Economic affairs secretary by the central government where he replaced Mr. Arvind Mayaram. Before taking this responsibility, Rajiv was the Chief Secretary of Rajasthan.
Prime Minister Modi picked him and elevated him to the post of director on the board of directors of the RBI as he was impressed with the dramatic manner in which Rajiv introduced domestic market reforms n the state of Rajasthan. He is believed to have the backing and support of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, with whom Rajiv has worked in the past.

About Sanjay Tandon
Sanjay Tandon is a graduate engineer from IIT Varanasi. He has been writing as a freelancer for many years. He loves to write on various niches. He is passionate about politics and economy and spends his free time watching news channels. He is also an expert on relationships.
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