Would You Steal an iPhone from a Man in Wheelchair?

Ritesh Sarvaiya

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11 Dec

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Would You Steal an iPhone from a Man in Wheelchair?
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After the recent iPhone theft fiasco, I have come to the conclusion that there are good thieves and there are bad thieves. Don’t get me wrong; theft is not a very encouraged act in any societal system. However, in my opinion the “good” thieves have honor, while the bad ones are just low life pieces of shit, who would love to steal from disabled people.

So why not steal an iPhone from a guy who is disabled; someone whose entire communication depends on the “i” device? Last time when the entire world was mulling over a viral video of a thief stealing from a baby, someone probably thought of rekindling that culture. Even though I still don’t get why a baby was holding an iPhone but c’mon’, where’s the fun in swiping things from defenseless people?

Completely Disabled Guy Mourns the Loss of His iPhone:

William Washington is a 38 year old man suffering from cerebral palsy. On top of his serious lifelong ailment, he is also a quadriplegic; a man who has completely lost control over his limbs. So how does a disabled person, such as Washington communicate with people around him?

It’s simple. The guy uses iPhone with a Text to Voice application. Whenever Washington needs to talk to someone, he uses a special pointer, attached in his headband, to type down text messages. These messages are immediately converted to voice feeds – hence serving the purpose of communication.

William Washington used to have his iPhone placed on a tray in his wheelchair. The theft was easy, as the moron had to walk in and pick up the phone without even seeing the look in Washington’s eyes. How could someone do this? Seriously. Either this thief had a very good reason or maybe he was the lowest of the low in his circle.

Washington, later on typed in a computer, “You should not steal from a disabled person who relies completely on a special device to reach out to the world.” Stealing itself it not a great idea but there is that sense of guilt which builds up on you the moment you are staring directly into the eyes of a disabled person before committing that heinous crime.

Who Stole William Washington’s iPhone?

In case you are wondering about the thief, I will let you in on his identity. Luckily, after police investigations were over, an 18 year old individual named: Nakiem Sanders was arrested. Mr. Sanders lived in the same apartment building as of Washington’s. The bad news is that the authorities were not able to recover the iPhone, since Nakiem probably pawned it in for drug money or something similar.

The good news is that Washington’s friend and neighbors saved up the money to buy him a new iPhone. By the way, William Washington didn’t even have the latest iPhone 5 – he was using an iPhone 3G. I wonder why someone would steal an iPhone 3G? If any thief is reading this post, I implore you to ante up your standards from today onwards.

My deepest condolences go to William Washington. I am sorry bro – this is the world we live in. My prayers are with you, your loved ones and your family. Take cares.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 at 4:35 AM and is filed under Apple, Latest News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Ritesh Sarvaiya

About Ritesh Sarvaiya

The boss of 'The National', Ritesh is the man behind our masked plots, minion army and claims to take the online world to ourselves. The malicious and powerful Chief Executive Officer strikes fear into the hearts of his foes by ruling with an iron fist, and playing with his 2 year old son in spare time.

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