Any Special Reason for Re-Designing Windows? Microsoft Chief Talks about It

Ritesh Sarvaiya

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16 Dec

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Any Special Reason for Re-Designing Windows? Microsoft Chief Talks about It
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Microsoft Chief: Julie Larson Green with a Fake SmileWindows Chief: Julie Larson explained why the company went through an interface change in Windows 8. Clearly, Windows 8 still doesn’t make a lot of sense to people. But let’s just say that the OS has its friends and foes in the market. Julie is trying her best to explain several concerns tied to a probable dissatisfaction rate likely to occur in the next few months.

In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review, Windows’ new chief talked about the concept of live tiles. “Instead of having to find many little rocks to look underneath, you see a dashboard of everything that’s going on and everything you care about all at once.” Clearly, she was trying to explain Microsoft’s effort in trying to bring a high degree of accessibility to Windows 8 users.

But it is not wrong to say that when people use the same style product or OS, with little changes, over and over again, they become mentally accustomed to it. Windows 8 is probably good because it brings a lot of visual changes – The question is: are the people willing to accept those changes? So much so that can they be convinced to buy Widows 8 devices?

Another fact, which is quite clear, is that Windows 8 was designed for latest touch devices. Julie Larson Green said that the company replaced keyboard and mouse to a great extent. After finishing their task or in the middle of their work progress, people are being trained to touch the screen if they want to get things going fast.

Well, Ms. Larson, it is going to take a lot of “training” and devices to get the ball rolling. Yes, it is true that touch screen is the future but right now, the overall satisfaction percentage concerning Windows 8 hasn’t been very positive. In fact, over the beneath impressive sales figure, Windows 8 lacks concrete elements which CNET experts talked about in one of its articles.

Julie Larson has to explain and defend those choices that Microsoft made. Otherwise she will be packing her bags by the time Microsoft is ready to release Windows 8 Plus or Windows 9. I wonder what Windows 9 is gonna be like? The biggest question is still tied to customer loyalty. Are the people ready to shift to Windows 8?

This entry was posted on Sunday, December 16th, 2012 at 3:25 AM and is filed under Microsoft, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Ritesh Sarvaiya

About Ritesh Sarvaiya

The boss of 'The National', Ritesh is the man behind our masked plots, minion army and claims to take the online world to ourselves. The malicious and powerful Chief Executive Officer strikes fear into the hearts of his foes by ruling with an iron fist, and playing with his 2 year old son in spare time.

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