I Got me a Case of Apple Prediction for Year 2013

Casey Nolan

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20 Dec

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Arnie with his Ridiculous SmileDear Sirs and Madams, little Stanislos is suffering from a case of making top Apple predictions and the germs are as thick as fleas! Well, let’s see what Apple is going to do in year 2013. After all, no matter how weird or interesting predictions are, you know you can get away with them because they are practically a joke!

  • Settling Down with Rivals?

You know how Apple has that sense of insecurity. They invent something and the next thing you see is a list of patents, lawsuits and court hearings against an unsuspecting rival company. HTC vs. Apple, Samsung vs. Apple, your company vs. Apple (hey it could be a possibility) – we have seen em’ all. So what is Apple going to do next year with its settlements and court battles?

Apple is going pretty rough with Samsung. The trials are more than likely to last throughout year 2013 and the year afterwards. I am willing to say that Apple is going to cook Samsung and several other potential poor bastards over the coming 12 month time period.

Oh and by the way, Apple’s late CEO: Uncle Steve already said that his company is set to engage in a thermonuclear war against Google. I talked about it in one of those articles about Google’s CEO and his claims of being Steve Jobs’ BFF most of the times.

  • Hail the iRadio:

The “i” generation is everywhere. Apple users have the iTunes and the iCloud at their disposal – it is the place where songs are heard, downloaded and paid for. Some dishy snobs at CNET are saying that Apple is in the middle of a project that has something to do with the iCloud. However, no one is saying anything.

What we do know is that Apple has got a pile of cash and a whole lot of nerds working at its offices. Maybe something such as an iRadio service won’t be a surprise after all in 2013. What do you think about that?

  • Shitty Apple Maps | Big Investments:

Apple is already beating itself over with map flaws. The last time someone from Apple had to apologize for the map flap, the company has been working its butt off on improving the end user experience. People do not want to end up at places where the software is going to fall short. Therefore, Apple is going to be investing big time in making Apple maps a perfect deal.

What Condom | Toby Maguire MemeBut if there is one thing that map developers know is that there’s a lot of hard work to be done. Don’t expect Apple map apps to change overnight, like the time when Toby Maguire was stung by a Spider in the movie. Apple will take its time. Little by little and a few chunks of big investments later, the company will be making improvements. In the meantime, Google will already be waaaaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of Apple maps. It’s gonna be a cat and mouse game throughout the rest of year 2013.

  • Siri, Where art Thou?

Siri has been in development for a long time now. Apple keeps adding cool new tricks to Siri but they never say that “okay this is it; this is the final version of Siri”. No sir; no ma’am. Siri is far from completion. Apple will be giving a speed boost to Siri and probably by the time iPhone 6 or 7 is in your hands, Siri will be somewhat better and “smart” than what it really is right now. 

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 20th, 2012 at 3:58 AM and is filed under Apple, Crave o' Mania, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Casey Nolan

About Casey Nolan

Writer, tech buff, ranter, artist, mankind's last hope! Known by many titular titles; 'The National' editor is rumored to be the jack of all trades. In his spare time, he loves to take long walks, indulge in excruciating workouts at gym, and help his fellow community members around.

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