Finally Here – What’s New in Facebook Newsfeed?

Ritesh Sarvaiya

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8 Mar

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As promised, Facebook went ahead with unveiling of the revamped News Feed layout. Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook’s CEO spoke about the social media’s goal for the future, how the newsfeed will be affecting user interaction patters and etc. Overall, the company has high hopes from the recently implemented changes, since they were based on several factors that accounted for years of data collection.

Facebook Newsfeed Latest Screenshot – CNET Images

Facebook Newsfeed Latest Screenshot - CNET Images

If it is one thing for sure, Mark Zuckerberg and any other Facebook representative didn’t touch base with how the company would be making money as per the new newsfeed design. They did hint that Facebook ads will be harder to ignore, but no one particularly went into depth. What Facebook is focusing on right now is the fact that the newsfeed changes were meant for diversification, a better user experience, rich and relevant content – so on and so forth.

Mark Zuckerberg said, “What we’re trying to do is give everyone in the world the best personalized newspaper we can. The best personalized newspaper should be intricate, rich, and engaging.”

Also, with its newsfeed advancement, Facebook has definitely set a benchmark for its competitors all over the internet. Yahoo, as we have stated a few times already, is also considering implementing such changes because of high bounce rate percentile.

Coming back to other Facebook competitors, such as Pinterest and Twitter, it is expected that those companies will also go through a visual and strategic overhaul in the next few months. As of Facebook newsfeed enhancements, users are now able to choose the “feel” in through several modes.

The New Facebook Newsfeed is an Amalgamation of Several Interesting Elements – CNET Images

The New Facebook Newsfeed is an Amalgamation of Several Interesting Elements - CNET Images

Chronological display or specific display of newsfeed with respect to photos, music and such elements of interest, will give a more personalized experience to end users. Facebook newsfeed has also changed the way as how content feed is updated from the perspective of Facebook Likes. Based on a user’s past “Like” pattern, he/she will see articles that relate to the choice factor.

Highlights of latest Facebook newsfeed can be summed up, but not limited, as followed:

All Friends: This section of newsfeed will display everything that your friends are sharing in real time.

Facebook Photos: A part of the Facebook newsfeed which is updated with nothing but photos from your friends and all the Pages that you have “Liked” in the past.

Music: This concept is applied in form of newsfeed updates concerning the music you have listened to, or are listening at the moment.

Following: If you are following specific Facebook Fan Pages, or official Facebook company Pages, new updates will be made via feed section.

How the Redesigned Newsfeed Will be Applied to Your Facebook Account?

According to Facebook developers, the News Feed design will be implemented through an OTA strategy. Over the passage of time, users will be seeing the latest design after logging into your account. This update is being applied on a user volume basis. Therefore, it might take a few weeks, or even a month for you to see the actual changes.

Facebook’s Vice President said, “Because this is a big change on the Web, we’re going to be very careful and slow in how we move it out. When the product is more “polished,” it will be rolled out broadly.”

Meanwhile if you are considering refining your Facebook experience, you should definitely follow latest company updates. While making image uploads to your newsfeed or your personal Facebook Page, use high resolution images. Preferably a 200×200 or 600×600 image is appreciated for better viewing.

 Largers Newsfeed Images on the Right Side – CNET Images

Largers Newsfeed Images on the Right Side - CNET Images

Greg Marra, one of the core product managers at Facebook, expresses his opinion as, “Bookmarks are an important way for people to re-engage with apps, and we’ve made improvements so people can quickly access the games and apps they use the most. These ever-present bookmarks will also display the notification counter from the most recent game requests to help drive re-engagement with players.”

As usual, this latest change will not be appreciated by a certain number of users. Generally when people become accustomed to using something on daily basis, they resent any sudden changes. The last time when Facebook applied the Timeline feature, it angered a lot of users. However, now that several months have gone by, no one is complaining anymore.

Even if someone does complain about Timeline, it won’t make any difference. Hussein Fazal: Chief Executive of ‘Adknowledge’; an online advertising company, says, “For users who spend a lot of time on the News Feed, they can quickly exhaust the available stories. The ‘switcher’ allows users to scroll though several different news feeds based on what they are looking for — images, games, music, news, best friends, all friends…This will result in more time spent overall on the Facebook News Feed — and of course increase engagement with content and ads.”

This entry was posted on Friday, March 8th, 2013 at 12:17 PM and is filed under Latest News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Ritesh Sarvaiya

About Ritesh Sarvaiya

The boss of 'The National', Ritesh is the man behind our masked plots, minion army and claims to take the online world to ourselves. The malicious and powerful Chief Executive Officer strikes fear into the hearts of his foes by ruling with an iron fist, and playing with his 2 year old son in spare time.

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