Amelia Earhart: DNA Extraction Project May Reveal the Nature of Her Disappearance

The National Editor

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23 Sep

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Amelia Earhart: DNA Extraction Project May Reveal the Nature of Her Disappearance
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he was an ambitious woman, an adventurist and a great person to look up to. Amelia Earhart wasn’t an ordinary pilot; she was one of those few people who wanted to make it big with little or no resources. When it comes to the aviation legends, she is still regarded as an icon. What makes her more famous is the fact that she went missing 70 years ago during one of her around-the-world trips.

Amelia Earhart @ The NationalSince then, scientists, fans and archaeologists have been working their butts off, to thwart the myths surrounding her disappearance. One thing is for sure, she’s not alive. It has been way too long and every one is sure of her death. What we’re not sure of, are those series of incidents that lead to her ill-fated demise.

A team of British Columbia scientists is trying to create a DNA profile of Ms. Earhart. They have some of those letters in their possession that Amelia Earhart used to send to her loved ones. What does that mean? It’s simple, if they can chip off that dried saliva of hers from the envelope seals, the DNA samples can be easily contained.

Some time back, a small number of bone fragments were discovered on the South Pacific Islands. Discoverers of these fragments believe those fragments to be those of the legendary pilot. However, since there was no proof in this entire debacle, the DNA structure from letters can be really helpful. All they have to do is match the DNA samples from the letters and the ones collected from the bone fragments off of South Pacific Islands.

If it’s a perfect match, the 74 year old mystery will be solved. Lucky for scientists, the recovered letters were opened at their sides. Someone used a letter opener to open them, which means that the actual seal on the back side of each letter is intact.

By the way, Elgen Long is known to have 400 of Amelia Earhart letters. One of those letters was written by Amelia to her mother, when she was traveling through Omaha. She was more of loner, so a secretary or agent was less likely to accompany her during those adventures. Chances are that the letters were licked close by Amelia herself.


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The National Editor

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Writer, tech buff, ranter, artist, mankind's last hope! Known by many titular titles; 'The National' editor is rumored to be the jack of all trades. In his spare time, he loves to take long walks, indulge in excruciating workouts at gym, and help his fellow community members around.

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