Is it Time for a Hybrid Apple Computer?

Wishy Wish

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16 Apr

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Is it Time for a Hybrid Apple Computer?
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Given the right kind of creative team members, money and of course time, any company can create something mind blowing. I need you to keep those three elements in perspective and ask yourself this question: Is it time for Apple to create a Hybrid MacBook? Admit it, the idea at least, sounds enticing enough.

A Hybrid Hybrid MacBook is Kind of a Big Deal for Apple:

The upside to buying a Hybrid computer has multiple advantages. For once, you will be the talk of the town. Hybrids are rare breed, no matter what type they are. Secondly, if it is a success, the company can go hands on in developing an entire line of Hybrids from the day it became viral to the day it is having its 4th generation upgrade revealed.

The downside, however, will come to you in multiples. You will be losing your hard earned cash. This so-called Hybrid MacBook will not have a resale value. Even if it does have a resale value, people will be making shitty offers that are not worth considering at all. Apple, on the other hand, will suffer a financial injury, at the cost of time ‘n energy wasted.

HP Envy 2 In all Its Glory – CNET Images

HP Envy 2 In all Its Glory - CNET Images

Then again, Apple is a big company; it will recover its Hybrid MacBook related loss in maybe a few weeks max. You will definitely never think of buying another Hybrid computer, a Hybrid smartphone or whatever, unless or until it really shows potential.

By the way, already, a lot of companies are trying their luck with Windows 8 Hybrids. I don’t know why Apple isn’t trying to create a hybrid, but if they do, a MacBook would be a wonderful idea. It could be a cross between an iPad, some version of the iPhone and of course with the native features of a MacBook.

Ideally speaking, this Hybrid MacBook should possess a resemblance to laptops, and also inclusive of wireless battery charging, virtual/physical keyboard, touch based system and etc. These features are nothing new. As a matter of fact, Hewlett Packard and Lenovo are already working on creating portable Windows 8 based computers.

So Why Isn’t Apple Making a Hybrid MacBook?

I can think of the most obvious reason here. A Hybrid MacBook is supposed to work in multiple modes. If it is serving as a tablet, some parts of it should be detachable, while keeping the lightweight profile in view. Also, you have to think about performance related issues. If the device is in tablet mode, the view should switch to smaller size; it should crop accordingly and it should be able to handle all tasks seamlessly.

Of course, operating system related issues are entirely another paradigm. Intel is already coming out with Haswell processors – so maybe Apple can hold back on Hybrid MacBook related ideas for now. What do you think? Have you tried HP Envy 2 or Windows Metro computers? If so, share your views through the comment section below. 

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 8:43 PM and is filed under National News, Tech Norms. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Wishy Wish

About Wishy Wish

Wishy is a part time writer. Extremely bipolar and hard to understand, she is still a valuable asset to 'The National'. She loves to read novels and then later on confuse them with reality. Besides being adorable and cheeky, her best trait is her sense of humor.

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