It Was a Grave “Mistake” – Romney’s Victory Website Goes Live?

The National Editor

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The National Editor
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12 Nov

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It Was a Grave “Mistake” – Romney’s Victory Website Goes Live?

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efore any victory or a major game, both sides prepare for expected celebrations. They prepare t-shirts, posters, pinup images and anything which has to do with celebrating the joyous occasion – it is a custom well understood by all.

However, when on the night of President Barack Obama’s victory, Mitt Romney’s victory website goes not only live but also viral; it turns a lot of heads. Why did it happen? No one has a proper explanation to this incident. Some suggest that maybe it was a “technical issue” while others think that someone close to Romney had to do with pulling a practical joke on him.

Anyway, people are still seeking a significant response to the infamous RomCom incident. Perhaps it was a genuine mistake that the site went live. Maybe the guy in charge of monitoring it wasn’t watching TV or keeping tabs on the election progress. Maybe he had too much to drink or there is a possibility that the instructions given to him were vague.

Whatever the reason was, it feels sloppy. Romney’s website is still bearing the “Smaller – Smarter – Simpler Government” headline. It does seem odd to a lot of people that one should believe in a smaller America or Simpler for that matter. On the other hand, conspiracy buffs believe that the website going live had something to do with a couple of things that a common person is not supposed to know…

Anyway, let’s see what happens next. Obama is here for another term. I hope something good and meaningful comes out of the administration this time. 

This entry was posted on Monday, November 12th, 2012 at 10:26 AM and is filed under Latest News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

The National Editor

About The National Editor

Writer, tech buff, ranter, artist, mankind's last hope! Known by many titular titles; 'The National' editor is rumored to be the jack of all trades. In his spare time, he loves to take long walks, indulge in excruciating workouts at gym, and help his fellow community members around.

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