Call of Duty – Adultery Scandal Results in Patraeus’ Resignation

The National Editor

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15 Nov

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Call of Duty – Adultery Scandal Results in Patraeus’ Resignation

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David Patraeus, the carbon based life form in Call of Duty series is gone for good. Well, not for good exactly as some people will miss him probably. However, the guys at Call of Duty development offices thought that they needed to replace David with someone else.

Patraeus had his good moments – some CGI shots dedicated to him alone. For instance, he would greet the gallant troops aboard the U.S.S. Barack Obama Aircraft carrier every now and then. He was an important part of the digital world in Call of Duty – Black Ops 2, since people thought that this character is in for a couple of sequels.

However, Patraeus’s reign ran short after the developers at Activision Blizzard had to take serious measures all of a sudden. The much-admired general was too busy having a side affair, or you can say a Side Ops of his own with someone called Paula Broadwell.

Hmm, Broadwell… Repeat after me – Paul Broad Well; the ugly broad who is always too busy filling everyone’s mouth with her box! Nah, just kidding. There might be a lot of Broadwell admirers out there and they’ll start saying **it about me for pouring out my opinions.

Anyway it turns out that the in game character/ replica of the real life general had to resign after his adultery scandal broke out. Activision will not be featuring him in any of the upcoming Call of Duty videogame series. Add a few statements, such as; “Oh boy, we did not ask the General to endorse the game, he was not paid in any way etc. etc.” had to be made by the developers recently.

Back in the days when Activision was busy creating in-game models of these real life “icons” that some people so crave, it was all a part of drafting the storyline. Now that David Patraeus has resigned and is no longer considered an asset to the CoD series, at least, we will not be seeing him anymore.

Scandals aside, the guy still maintains all his recent accomplishments and a nice military career for aspiring members of youth. I am not saying that he was perfect or a role model, but yeah, he did achieve a lot of goals in his life that are going to be part of the public record. The general is likely to score some opportunities in the Private sector now.

Remember Lt. Col. Oliver North from the 1980 Iran Contra affair? Well, perhaps General David Patraeus can follow his footsteps to give an overhaul to his “new life”.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 15th, 2012 at 1:08 PM and is filed under Gaming, Latest News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

The National Editor

About The National Editor

Writer, tech buff, ranter, artist, mankind's last hope! Known by many titular titles; 'The National' editor is rumored to be the jack of all trades. In his spare time, he loves to take long walks, indulge in excruciating workouts at gym, and help his fellow community members around.


Casey Nolan :

Good bye Patty, you had a good run bro!!

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