Activists File Petition in Favor of Drones+ | App Accused of Escalating Carnage of War?

The National Editor

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The National Editor
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17 Nov

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Activists File Petition in Favor of Drones+ | App Accused of Escalating Carnage of War?

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Drones+ is a simple application. It basically maps locations where the U.S. drone strikes have occurred over the last few years. Some people liked this application because they thought that it would help them know where the government has been using these remote assisted strikes.

However, Apple took down the application by saying that it was “o
bjectionable” and “not in compliance with the Apple app store guidelines.” Having said that, Apple does maintain this one particular policy that lets the company govern what app can stay and what can’t.

The supporters of Drones+ say that it is an application which doesn’t really show any depiction of the carnage of war. The most it does is that it takes data from one of the databases managed by the U.K. Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and that this data does not hold any particular information or whatsoever.

The app: Drones+ was created by Josh Begley; a New York University graduate who says, “Drone wars all over the world continue because the U.S. public is not aware of where its money is being used in its name. We have the right to know the number of people our government has killed and the amount of money that has been spent while doing so.”

Apple, on the other hand, thinks that it has the right to reject any application for the app marketplace as long as the behavior of that application is “crossing lines”. No one has seen these so-called lines yet. I will definitely keep you in the loop when I see em’. Take cares and have a nice day, my friends.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 17th, 2012 at 3:55 AM and is filed under Apple, Latest News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

The National Editor

About The National Editor

Writer, tech buff, ranter, artist, mankind's last hope! Known by many titular titles; 'The National' editor is rumored to be the jack of all trades. In his spare time, he loves to take long walks, indulge in excruciating workouts at gym, and help his fellow community members around.

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